TJ Sailing

Set sail for adventure with TJ Sailing - your one stop resource for all things sailing.

Here I post about Sailing History, Sailing Lifestyle, Sailing Destinations and Sailing Clubs. So whatever your interest is in sailing you'll probably find what you're looking for here.
TJ Sailing used to offer sailing holidays & bareboat yacht charters based near Cogolin in France and I've also done business out of Saint Peter Port, in Guernsey.

Nowadays I'm retired from sailing professionally, so now I just write a about it!
John Sixthsmith

John Sixthsmith

Owner TJ Sailing
Read more about me here
Read about J Sixthsmith
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May 27, 2023
Is sailing a Dangerous Sport?

Yes, but it's the element of risk that brings excitement and adventure to the sport. Embrace the challenge, to test your skills against the might of the sea. Face up to the thrilling challenge of sailing, a sport that tests your abilities. Learn how to harness the wind and navigate the seas, mastering the art of […]

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May 26, 2023
How far can you sail in a day?

Embark on a nautical adventure as we delve into the limits of daily sailing limits. Discover the farthest reaches of untapped potential of sailing in a single day. You can sail about 140 nautical miles in a full 24 hour period. Though I generally used to take things a little easier unless I was racing. […]

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May 26, 2023
How long does it take to learn sailing?

Discover the journey to mastering sailing, explore the timeline and factors involved. Novice to captain, find out how long it takes to learn the art of sailing. Key Takeaways: Time Required to Learn to Sail I've always been fascinated by sailing and wanted to learn it for years now. One thing that always held me […]

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May 26, 2023
What age to start sailing?

Discover the ideal age to start sailing and embark on a nautical adventure. Explore the benefits and considerations for beginners in this insightful article. Key Takeaways: Introduction to Youth Sailing Sailing at a youth age is an excellent way to introduce children to the sport and instill skills that they can use throughout their life. […]

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May 26, 2023
How fast were old sailing ships?

Key Takeaway: Introduction Sailing Ships: How Fast Were They? Sailing ships have always been an essential means of transportation and trade across the seas. Delving into the history of these ships brings light to their speed capabilities. When it comes to measuring the speed of these ships, the knot is the unit of measure. The […]

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May 25, 2023
How did Sailing Ships get Fresh Water?

How did sailing ships get fresh water? Through rainwater collection, shore resupply, condensation, and distillation. Water was severely rationed on long voyages. Read all about it here. Key Takeaway: Introduction Sailing ship survival requires fresh water. The accessibility of water in oceans or seas was limited and dangerous due to saltwater. Therefore, sailors had to […]

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May 25, 2023
Why are Sails Black

Key Takeaway: Reasons why yachts have black sails As an avid sailor, I’ve always been curious about why some yachts have black sails. After researching the topic, I found that there are multiple reasons why black is a popular color choice for yacht sails. Yacht sails are made from carbon fibers which provide better performance Yacht sail […]

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May 25, 2023
How did sailing ships dock

In the 1600s, sailing ships docked by dropping anchor near the shore and using smaller boats to ferry goods and passengers to land. They also utilized piers and wharves for direct docking, employing ropes, pulleys, and manpower for manoeuvring and securing the ships. Back in the day, these magnificent tall ships had unique docking techniques. […]

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May 22, 2023
What is the difference between a yacht club and a sailing club?

Introduction Explore what's the difference between a yacht club & a sailing club in my comprehensive guide. I'll help you make the right choice about which club to join. A. Brief Overview of the Topic In the world of water sports and maritime leisure activities, yacht clubs and sailing clubs are two prominent institutions that […]

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May 12, 2023
Why do I hate sailing

I set sail with my dad for the first time last week and I really hated it. Why do I hate sailing? Let me list the reasons, there are loads of them. Editors Note: Let me (John Sixthsmith) say that most of this article was written by my daughter Katie, who after being nagged by […]

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Welcome to my world of Sailing.

Here is my haven for adventurers and dreamers alike. Here, I explore the globe's best sailing destinations, from Norway's fjords to the Greek Islands, guided by stunning visuals and expert advice.

Immerse yourself in the sailing lifestyle, a harmonious blend of serenity and excitement. Read real-life stories, learn about transitioning to life at sea, and capture the sense of freedom that comes from embracing the open water.

Connect with a vibrant network of sailing clubs around the world, discover a welcoming community waiting to share knowledge, competitions, and camaraderie.

Finally, journey with me through the captivating history of sailing. Explore its evolution, from simple rafts to cutting-edge yachts, and appreciate the profound influence sailing has had on our civilization.

Your sailing adventure starts here – a portal to new experiences, historic journeys, and shared passions. We're thrilled to welcome you onboard.